Basic human needs include food, water, and shelter, but clothing matters, too. A young woman, Mallory Brown, realized the import of proper clothing after encountering truly impoverished people in Laos. Clothing protects a body from sun and wind burn, frost bite, and insect bites. A habit many of us take for granted, changing into clean clothes every day promotes good health by preventing infection, chafing, skin disorders, and the spreading of viruses.
"However, in cases of extreme poverty, clothing is often one of the first needs to be ignored. Statistically, more than one billion people in the world live on less than one dollar a day. Almost 2.7 billion people (that's 40% of our population) survive on less than two dollars per day. In such circumstances, daily necessities like food and water take top priority. Clothing, which can be reworn, therefore is reworn. Day after day. After day..." --World Clothes Line
Brown decided to found a clothing company with a "buy one, give one free" business model. While World Clothes Line is a for-profit venture, profit is not its mission. Success is measured in philanthropy.
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