Wednesday, February 1, 2012

Archi's Acres: From Combat Fields to Farms

Archi's Acres understands the problems facing veterans leaving combat service.  One of the farm's founders served as a Marine.  Colin Archipley and his wife Karen started farming with avocado trees.  When their methods proved unprofitable, they went for more sustainable methods by switching to raising basil and using hydroponic methods.  Their choice brought them success; so, they wanted to share their knowledge with returning veterans:
The USDA has a push right now to create a 100,000 farmers per year over the next five years.  They're not going to meet those goals, but we think we have a population that can certainly help who have the motivation and the willingness to do this; as well as the leadership skills and the management ability to operate a business.  --Colin Archipley
About half of veterans come from rural areas.  The Archipleys see farming as a natural transition back home for a veteran and the active military spend a lot of time outdoors.  Archi's Acres offers Veterans Sustainable Agriculture Training (VSAT) through a local community college.

With the help of VSAT, retired Marine Mike Hanes invented a wholesome and nutritional hot sauce called Dang!.

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