Monday, February 20, 2012

The Morgan Center: Daycare for Children with Cancer

Children with cancer often face isolation as chemotherapy suppresses the immune system and leaves them open to other illness that could complicate and even risk their lives further.  Nancy Zuch saw her toddler, Morgan, go through this as the 2 year old underwent treatment for leukemia. Zuch opened the Morgan Center, a New York-based preschool, to provide a clean environment for kids with cancer so the little ones wouldn't miss out on learning and making friends.
THE MORGAN CENTER is a 501(c)(3) not for profit charitable organization dedicated to providing preschool age children who are undergoing treatment for cancer the opportunity to interact and socialize, in a safe environment that stimulates cognitive and social development. Children on chemotherapy treatment have a suppressed immune system, and could otherwise risk infection and serious illness by attending typical age appropriate preschool programs.
The program has been so successful that another New York center is in the works, and Zuch has been approached by other states to reproduce her model of care around the country.

CNN Heroes spotlights The Morgan Center and what Nancy Zuch has made possible for children battling cancer.

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